About us

Forget about complex editors! With Desaigner you can now get relevant images to post regularly on your social networks and increase your brand’s recognition!

Desaigner is the fastest zero to image app! Desaigner automates your visual content generating tons of creative and relevant images tailored to your brand.

In 2019 we started Desaigner with a single bold mission – to help brands that cannot keep up with posting images on social media, regularly and with relevant and professional-looking content.

Our brains process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. Thus the success of social visual tools. However, brands that cannot produce, regularly, relevant images to post on social media are falling behind.

At Desaigner, we think that one approach to help brands with the challenge above is to develop a zero to image app. A tool that, effortless is able to generate thousands of relevant images, tailored to each brand’s graphic identity and style.

What kind of posts will you be able to make with Desaigner?

Some Examples:

The generated designs can be customized in a very straightforward way and, more importantly, you don’t risk to "break" the design! 😉

You can find more examples of automatic content generated by Desaigner in our Instagram account.

Happy designing!